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U stands for universal. If the film is rated 'U' this signifies that it is suitable for all ages. But with younger children (0-2  years old), there is no knowing as to what will scare the child, in these circumstances its better to watch  over him/her to make sure they are okay.

PG stands for Parental Guidance , these films are generally suitable for any audience but  parents must check what the film has in it as it may unsettle a younger child  that is more sensitive. On the whole a film rated PG should not unsettle kids from 8 years and above.

12A rated films should not be watched by anyone under the age of 12 unless they are with an adult - who should decide whether the film is suitable for the child they are with.

A 12 rated  film may contain mild strong language, mild sexual activity and moderate scenes of violence. It is excatly the same as 12A but is mainly used because film companies can not guarantee suitable accompanied viewing in a household. Disturbing content should be limited.

 A 15 rated film can not be viewed at the cinema by anyone under the age of 15 and can also not be bought by any child under the age of 15. Only suitable themes are permitted for 15 year olds. Content involved would be strong language/violence, sexual activity and references, drug taking and dicrimitoy behaviour.

Lastly an 18 rated film must  not be viewed by anyone  under the age of 18 at the cinema  or bought by anyone under the age os 18. Rated 18 films include the same content as rated 15 films but  more often and extreme, also strong blood and gore scenes. Real sex can be used also in some situations.


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