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Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In terms of Camerawork used in  my groups media product that is very alike to a real media product would be things like an Establishing Shot, Dolly Shots, Skew Angle, Pans, High and Low Angle Shots,  Long Shot, Close Up and also Extreme Close Ups


The Editing techniques that we used are very similar to ones used in real media products, carrying them out close to the same way as a real product would, allowed our product to look a lot more professional  but also being inspired allowed us to  have a larger range of ideas  to execute including things like Quick Cuts, Super Imposition, Graphic Distortion, Vignette, Fades between shots, Overlays such as on a green screen,  Colour Stripping & an Establishing shot

Mise en Scene

The lighting involved throughout the  production is Dull Low Key   and Unconventional, this dark almost scary  theme is linked   in with the Hospital Gown   that was worn by the antagonist, this would fit the genre of a thriller connotating mental illnesses which would be common for many antagonists  , such as Hannibal Lecter in Silence Of The Lambs. The guards within the production are wearing dark trousers  and a shirt which connotates power but also gives them no identity which we decided to include because it will make the audience feel edgy and almost frustrated as they want to be able to see a face. Setting was very key as we needed to find somewhere that we were able to design and look scary to make the theme,  we achieved that and therefore it makes it different from the norm and would provide the audience with unfamiliarity. Lastly would be casting which we chose very carefully and decided on a young female which would be seen to challenge conventionally old male characters in thrillers.


The obvious decision for our group to choose would be Minor key this is because it fits the conventional thriller stereotype but its also because we personally think its suitable and will have an evil effect on the audience. An ambient sound   that we   used is  the noise   of a  crow calling which connotates death and is conventional also to the thriller genre. Musical Attack was also used when the music suddenly stops as the guards' footsteps are heard, this is used to build up tension or as a sort of climax, similar to the opening  of Jaws. Use of crescendo builds tension as the scene goes on and provides a conventional climax. Lastly would be the Industrial Score that we used including distorted instruments and heavy drum beats, we decided against using anything orchestral, can be compared to the opening of Se7en.


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