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Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The   Big   6

21.65% of Market Shares

NBC Universal


14% of Market Shares

Warner Bros. Entertainment

(Time Warner)

20.75% of Market Share

Walt Disney Studios

6.18% of Market Share Paramount Motion Pictures Group

12.73% of Market Shares

Fox Filmed Entertainment

8.49% of Market Share Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group

There are 6 studios known as “The Big 6” who own the larger quantity of Market Shares in the Film Industry, our group would look to get our production distributed by one of the 6 as it then stands a better chance to become successful and increase the money we make from it due to the fact that they are big companies and would be able to market the film efficiently. A few disadvantages of choosing these big companies would be the fact that they do take minimal risks when it comes to choosing a film to put their money into, so we would need to be certain that we have everything exactly where we want it and there are no hiccups, but with our movie being independently made, they may be reluctant to distribute it. But it isn’t just down to the fact of whether the film is bad, or even perfect, if the film doesn’t suit the genre that is common to the distributor, they could decide against marketing it. Studios such as Warner Bros and Walt Disney generally distribute films with more of a child based target audience, meaning that most of their films that are grossing would be rated U up to rated 12  which is not our movies target audience.

Because of the age rating of our film, it seems fitting that Paramount Pictures would be our favoured distributor, given that their highest grossing films are more towards the target audience that we are aiming for. Also they are the smallest company of “The Big 6” so they would be seen as the more likely company to take our independently made film forward. The only thing against this would be the fact that they still have control over a large chunk of the market meaning that the stakes will still be incredibly high.

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