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Rough Cuts

First Rough Cut: 25/02/16

Second Rough Cut: 08/03/16

First Rough Cut Feedback

Here is the feedback we got for the rough cut. First, there's the filmed interview where we got 4 people to watch the opening, and filmed a short interview about it and how we could improve. Second, there's a PDF file which includes 48 questionnaires that were answered online. The highlighting on the PDF is used to show which ideas we would take on board and put into our final cut, with red highlighting meaning it'd be better to not put it in, yellow to indicate something relating the the credits and font, green suggesting we would make use of that suggesting, and blank meaning we'd consider it. Click the PDF button below to see it.

This is our initial, pre-feedback rough cut, which we will show to people and find out what we need to work on and improve. To see the feedback, click the button below.

After we got feedback on the first rough cut, we started making improvements on a few things. In this cut, the font is changed to the font we initially wanted to use, the pictures altered to fit the screen so there were no black bars and the first establishing shot was colour-altered to look darker. However, there was still some things to add, with a couple more shots to be added and some sound altering as well.

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