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Question 2 - How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

There are 3 main types of social groups within our production, including women, people with mental illnesses and men. The usual stereotype for women would be the "damsel in distress" or would need help/assisstance from a male character   . Our opening supports this stereotype as the girl who is represnting the women is seen to be running and hiding from someone. The heavy breathing used by the antagonist  upon leaving the doorway can be seen as relatable to the audience, also the fact that she is scared and weak, which supports the stereotype of the main antagonist having a problem mentally. Furthermore we see the antagonist run from where she is hiding and then through a door which shows she is escaping by herself this would challenge the stereotype as she is doing that independently and doesn't need anyone else to support her, she also shows anger/aggression upon flipping tables and smashing glasses which can be seen as a dominant thing to do.

The next representation would be Mentally ill people who are typically intelligent (always one step ahead of their opponent), violent and sydistic,also there are signs of insanity with sudden movements and jolts which we were able to display when she is in the hallway before running out. Another thing would be the fact that we hear people that are talking from inside of her head which is typically conventioanl for a mentally ill person within a thriller. Challenging this stereotype would be the fact that when the guards are heard chasing her, she doesn't think of a plan, she only begins running which goes against the main antagonist in a thriller being intelligent and one step  ahead.

Lastly the final representation would be the one of men, the guards in this case are shown to be relatable to that stereotype as they're footsteps are emphasised to create a dominant and powerful role, there is also the sound of knuckles cracking which enables us to back up the stereotype of them being powerful and aggresive. Challenging the stereotype of men would be the obvious fact that the main anatagonist is female , and the fact that we do not see any male identities from the guards we only see their trousers and the sound of them running, they also have restricted control over the main female character due to the fact that she escapes the asylum and the destruction that she causes is out of their control.

Overall we can see that the representation of females are challenged the most given that the main antagonist is female not of the male gender, the mentally ill stereotype is split evenly with similarities and challenges, lastly the male stereotype is also heavily challenged as there is no control held by the male characters in this production and you never see the identity of a male  or the control which is usually conventional for a thriller.

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