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The Machinist

Mise En Scene

In the opening scene, the first thing that we see is  the main character staring outside a window, he is smoking and has many cuts and bruises on his face , the use of the character staring out of a window could show he feels isolated and wants to escape, this will have a sad affect on the audience as they will feel for him  and want to know what it is he wants to escape from , the fact that he is smoking connotates  dirt &  habits, he could be seen as a character that is addicted for a reason that is yet to be revealed, this will make the audience feel uncomfortable as for many people seeing someone smoke is very negative. But what really stands out in the first clip we see is his cuts and bruises that are covered in blood, blood connotates, death, fear, scars, this will make the audience feel on edge and uneasy as they feel for the character but also want to know how this happened to him 


The very  intriguing  editing  skill  on show here is   the opening titles which  are not full of quick cuts, they are prolonged shots which involves the audience alot more as it gives them an opportunity to understand where the character is, what his facial expressions are and where he is.


The  letters are all in block capitals, this can represent that "The Machinist" is of high importance, what is interesting is even though every letter is in capitals, the "T" and "M" that start the two words, they are still shown to be larger, this also adds to the importance of it. Even though the typography is  sans serif and quite plain, the way it fades out of shot suits the whole theme of the film and adds to the mystery making the audience feel puzzled.

Camera Work


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