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Question 6 -  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Lighting was one of the main things me and my group   had the opportunity to experiment with as  Jamie (member of the group) had in depth knowledge with lighting and was able to teach me a few things,  such as  how different light positions give you different results, how to set the lights up, how to control them from a laptop and also how to activate different functions.  The first thing that had to be done   was too ensure that the lights we had worked, and they filled up the room suitably, thats where we found our first obstacle when we realised  the 2 lights we had did not light up the whole of the room and left dark spots.  Which meant that the group had to come up with different positions for the lights.  I am more comfortable when it comes to being behind the camera filming a   production, so this was an experience for me and has increased my knowledge.

One of my strong points is YouTube as I   have been filming, editing  and producing videos for 3 years now on my main channel and the Sixth Form Ryston Shield channel, given that i had the in depth knowledge on how YouTube works, I decided to take lead role in finding us a few songs to use for our score,  I  proceeded to contact the person who owned the song and asked permission, in which I was accepted. Avoiding any copyright claims. Camera work was another strong point for me, I took charge with many shots and was able to think outside the box and put in  different shots   to  add  to the scare factor, I haven't been tested with creating a film production before so I jumped at the chance and upon agreeing with the group, changed a few things to make it more effective, helping the finished product and my own personal range of knowledge within different camera shots, angles and points of view. Wix has been acomplete revelaton for me, I had not heard of the service until we started the production but i have learnt how to build my own website, to not only include all relevant information but allow myself to be displayed and have my character in the design. I learnt how to add videos, a range of different galleries for photos,how to add buttons  such as "Home" or buttons that take you to a linked page/website. I have learnt how to set timers for how long a slideshow shows each individual photo.  I have learnt how to make everything clear, so even people with sight problems can read clearly.  It has inspired me to create a website for my personal  YouTube channel, it has been very easy to pick up as everything is displayed well and clear.

Furthermore I have been able to expand my knowledge with the use of microphones, being a singer myself I   have used plenty but I    have been able to learn the dynamics of the sound that is displayed and how to control it through programmes on a laptop. I have learnt that even the shortest sound clip can have such a strong effect on the production and   reflect the antagonists  mood. Lastly would be Sony Vegas where all of the editing skills took place, I learnt how to add a "Chroma Key" to change the outlook of the shot. I have learnt how to emphasise and   turn down  sound clips, being able to do this creates that extra scare factor. I have also been able to pick up zoom ins and zoom outs, and also how to make the video almost wobble on the screen, distorting it. I can now see the importance of quick cuts and superimposition but also overlays as shown in the CCTV clip,  our group did have to look up how to do certain things while using Sony Vegas but picked up alot ourselves . I was able to learn how to cross-fade which is when you overlay two clips on the same track. As a group we then went on to discover the  "Track Motion" tool which allowed us to rotate text,  images and even the clips themselves around the X, Yand Z axis. I learnt how to add a vignette to the edges of the screen by using the "Light Rays" tool , this means you can add a slight blur or haze to the clip.

Overall I have learnt so much information about editing and techniques within such a short space of time that I believe if the opportunity arose to use the software again  I would be able to efficently and correctly. As you will be able to see there is a big difference between my Preliminary Task and my Final Production which I am very proud of.



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