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Mise  En  Scene


In the opening scene , the first thing we see is a Book which is lit up by a torch which gives the impression that the  setting is dark which makes you feel eerie and uncomfortable , plus the fact that it is dark means he is staying up late specifically to use this book,  it gives the impression that he doesn't want to   be seen   or he is hiding away also the physical state of the book is old this  makes the audience feel  he is using   it quite alot meaning he could be obssessed in some way. The lighting is low key which means it is alot darker, the use of it being dark connotes evil or being alone, this has an effect on the audience by making them feel on edge and wondering what they are watching or why they are watching . Other objects are used in the opening scene such as blood, needles, strands of hair and also razor blades, all of these props connotate violence and physicality .


Firstly the quick cuts used in the opening titles are very effective, it makes the audience feel on edge and leaves them asking questions as to why the editor chooses to quick cut the certain shots  at that specific time. They do not reveal a lot of information at all,  this will leave the audience confused  as to what they are watching and also uncomfortable that they still do not know what is going on. Secondly, the length of  the shots changes  throughout the intro, Fast-paced & Slow-paced,  this creates a  disrupted and almost  schizophrenic viewing experience making the audience feel very un-easy and  filled with questions. Lastly is the image overlays that the editor includes, this  eye-tricking editing  is   very effective  and disjointed,  making the viewers feel  on edge and also uncomfortable as they won't know which image to pay more attention too.


Sound is a key aspect in this movie opening, the first thing to talk about would be the sound of the footsteps  from the detective which is diegetic, the use of the detective coming in with footsteps instantly shows his high level of  importance  but also his shadyness too.  Next would be the use of the metronome, it constantly ticks throughout leaving the viewer agitated  and wound up, could be a signal that something negative is going to happen, also the many background noises that sound off throughout can  have the same affect on the viewers, the sirens, rain, car horns, shouting I believe this are a very good  part of the opening as it creates a scenario of confusion for the audience to try and understand, it is very hard to engage with what is happening. Lastly would be the score for the credits, both the montage and synchronous music work brilliantly together,  the unsteady rhythm means that listening to it becomes almost confusing in itself. 

Camera Work

There is a two shot used on the two main characters to show that they are conversing and establishes a relationship between them. As the old detective is going to sleep, a zoom is used on him to make the audience feel like they are going into a dream with him and to show that he is falling asleep, it makes the audience feel calm  yet  confused. The zoom is also used on the metronoum to show that it important and to make it seem like he is falling asleep to its sounds. During the credits there are close ups to show the objects are important. Because close ups are used on the objects tension is built as the audience do not know who is the person using them, this creates mystery. 

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