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Question 5 -  How did you attract/address your audience?

Within our opening we were targeting both genders aged between 15-30. Upon carrying out the questionnaires that we handed out, the majority of the people answering them were of the female gender aged between 15-20, which would put aside the stereotype of thrillers not being for females, we involved them in the Font, the name of the production and of course the feedback from rough cuts, allowing this to happen would mean, given that our group consist of 3 boys, it allowed us to get information from the opposite gender, giving a wider rnage of ideas and views which helped us to make the final production suit both genders.

In order to appeal to our demograhic  audience we had to  include  many things within the production that they could relate too but also enjoy.

Firstly we including mature themes such as mental instability and the feeling of being unstable, we creatively showed this through our editing techniques  but also the antagonist in how she reacted in difficult situations. We were also able to show violence through the antagonist being punchedand we decided to linger on that. Lastly to achieve gore we used imagery of "bloody murder scenes" but also the use of the blood on the antagonists clothes to give that extra emphasis on the situation she found herself in and for the audience to relate too.

Due to the fact that the stereotype was still very much obvious upon producing a thriller where the male is seen to watch it more over the female, we chose a young female lady to play as our main character  so aside from the gore and violence for the men, the women could relate as well. Themes are key when it comes to an equal production for both male and female genders, so   we made sure it appealed to both.

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