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The Silence Of The Lambs

Mise En Scene 

The opening title is set in a forest , the fact of it being within a forest connotates evil and has a negative affect on the audience of feeling alone or vulnerable, what also adds to this is the fact there is a slight mist which creates an  eeriness and scare factor to  the opening title, another thing would be the fact of the branches being barely alive , hardly any leaves, this will make the audience feel withdrawn and   gloomy, they may also expect the characters to find themselves being barely alive at some point throughout the film. Costume is also a key aspect of this film opening, we see that the girl is wearing a grey jumper, not in high heels or a dress we can depict that she doesn't care too much about her appearance and here the audience could find some  level ground with the character. The use of her sweating could mean that she is being chased or shes running away from a situation, the audience will feel scared at this point as running through a lifeless forest as a lone woman is in this day and age is very risky and dangerous. Props used throughout the movie opening are very interesting, the words that have been nailed onto the tree "Hurt" "Agony" "Pain" these words connotate torture and evilness, this will have a negative affect on the viewers and will make them feel very uncomfortable personally and also for the character who is in the forest at that time, we can also deduce from the torturous words that they represent a direction, like a sign and giving that it then cuts to the character running in that same direction the audience can take from this that something bad is about/going to happen. 

Next  would be the haunting low key lighting that is used,  upon watching this opening title you feel scared/worried due to it being very dark throughout, dark connotates evil and aloneness , it will also add to the scare factor that the audience will feel.



The editing throughout this scene   is quaint but very effective,  the close up of her face is very personal  and influences the audience to have a connection with her character. 

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