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Question 4 -  Who would be the audience for your media product?

Upon doing much research into our thriller genre , we found that the conventional age would be between a rated 15 & rated 18, this means the only people allowed to view the film would have to be older than 15 or 18. Their are big differences between the two age ratings, meaning we have to decide carefully and accurately  as to what category our film suits. Information on  Age Ratings can be found in "Classification" within my "Research and Planning" header. The reason we see ourselves deciding between rated 15 or rated 18 is because very rarely are there any thrillers undernath these age restrictions. Myself and my group decided to choose age rating 15, we felt as though it didnt violate this rating or have aspects of an age rated   18 film. Secondly, this means we can reach out to a larger audience.  We do have references to violence and death but no strong violent deadly scene or sexual activities, meaning it fits the criteria for a 15.

Once the group had chosen the age rating, it was now down to us to decide what gender the production would appeal to more between male or female, or whether it suited both. After discussions were held we decided to target both genders as it increased our audience. This decision in many cases would be seen as unconventional given that they are  mainly popular with the male gender given that they can relate to the gore and violence  but we have added elements to it so that it will appeal to both genders.

We had decided on  rated 15  as suitable for  our production. In terms of the age range we looked towards, would be between 15-30 years old as our target audience . This would mean we would need  to include mature themes, violence and gore. We made sure we had no split between the genders by not promoting it towards males or females, our production can be viewed by both genders and we feel as though it will appeal to them both as well.

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